After struggling with hard water for years, you finally decided to install a water softener in your home. Since its installation, you've enjoyed immense benefits like reduced plumbing repairs and the extended lifespan of the washing machine and dishwasher. However, you'll need to repair and service your water softener regularly to keep enjoying that nice soft water. But when do you know it's time to schedule repair services? The following are top signs your water softener needs urgent repair services.

1. Soap Takes Much Time to Lather

When washing the dishes or taking a shower, you might find it takes time for the soap to lather. You probably spend a lot of money on soap, or it takes a lot of effort to get those bubbles you enjoy in your bathtub.

Hard water makes soap hard to lather. This suggests the softener no longer works as efficiently as expected. Schedule the softener for servicing to restore its optimum functionality.

2. Dishes Have White Spots

Your dishes might appear cloudy after washing. Minerals in hard water leave white deposits on glass utensils, making them appear dirty. No matter how often you wash the dishes, it won't solve the problem.

This may indicate that your water softener isn't handling its job as it should. The only sure way to resolve this problem is by repairing the softener to eliminate all minerals leaving the white spots behind.

3. Salty Water

If you drink water daily, you will know when your water suddenly starts to taste strange. Normally, you should replace salt in the softener's tank regularly. In some cases, the system might leak the salt into your home's water line during regeneration. Other potential causes for salty water include clogs in the brine line or injector.

An altered water taste makes it hard to drink the recommended amount daily, leading to dehydration. You might want to contact a repair technician to help you inspect the system and resolve the salty water problem.

4. Dry Hair and Skin

Hard water is notorious for making your skin and hair appear dry. It makes it difficult to rinse the soap from the surface of the skin or hair. This leaves your body dry and irritated regardless of the richness of your moisturizing oils. Some patients complain of conditions like psoriasis and eczema when using hard water. You'll notice the difference when the system develops a problem, especially if you have sensitive skin. Get the system serviced to improve your hair and body.

When your softener starts to develop problems, you will notice these signs. The above signs show you need water softener repair services before the system breaks down. Contact the appliance repair contractors to set an appointment.
