With so many new appliances on the market these days, you might be torn between upgrading to the newest new washer/dryer model and sticking to your current option. If your washing machine has been giving you trouble recently, it can be tempting to go shopping, but repairing this might actually be your best option. Here are four reasons you should consider repair over replacement when it comes to your washing machine.

1. Looks Aren't Everything

Depending on where your washing machine is in your house, an older, sturdy model might not be the end of the world. If your washer and dryer are in the kitchen and on display every day, you may opt for a newer model when your washer starts to show its age. If these appliances are out in the garage or in a back room, minor repairs can keep older models up and running for years to come.

2. Helping Your Budget

Long-term planning versus emergency costs can be hard to strategize when it comes to your home budget. If a new washing machine wasn't necessarily in your plans for the next few years, repairing your existing machine might make the most sense in prioritizing your spending. Remember, if you opt to purchase a new washer, this will most likely be a mismatch with your dryer. You might be tempted to buy a washer/dryer set, which can double your costs.

3. If You Are Moving Soon

If you are planning on selling your home soon, don't forget that it is customary for appliances to stay put in the home that's for sale. With this in mind, you might want to splurge in your next home when it comes to a new washing machine. Simply repairing your current washer  will enable you to showcase that this will be reliable for potential buyers, but won't ruin your budget at the same time.

4. A Broken Washer Might Be a Quick Fix

Blown fuses, lint buildup, or belt problems can all cause your washing machine to malfunction, but these problems don't mean that a replacement is necessary. Sometimes washing machine issues might sound worse than they actually are, so bringing in a washer and dryer specialist can help you pinpoint problems. Buying a new part and paying for labor might actually be a quick, affordable fix and keep your washer working for years to come.

Sometimes appliances deserve a second chance with repair options before replacing these completely. If you aren't sure whether your washer is in need of minor repairs or replacement, it is worth it to have a washer repair specialist like Collier County Appliance Service, Inc. come out and take a look before replacing completely.
